15 January 2008

Time to Go

Ok folks, we are heavy into the winter running season. Here in Atlanta we've started the Winter Time Improvement Program or TIPS as it is known. We have a small but hearty group of runner seeking to improve on their PR or discover what their PR can be.

Honestly, I haven't been running to my potential, getting out on a semi regular basis to grab some miles, but otherwise lazy in my approach. Are you feeling me? Those O Dark Thirty wake up calls keep coming, and they are opportunities. Opportunities to give in or FIGHT BACK against laziness.

Sometimes it's difficult to find the motivation to get out the door. But once out there, once you are up to pace and running, all the reasons for stopping seem to drift away. One more mile you tell yourself, I'll just go a little more and the next thing you know, your run is done for the day. Better off and motivated to boot.

I wish I could tell you that I get up every day excited at 0445 to face 5-10 miles of running. But I don't. Sometimes its damn hard, sometimes I give in and roll over and go back to sleep. But on most days, I crawl out of bed, put on layer after layer, and I run. I run for me. And thats who you have to run for. Why do we run? Because somewhere, someone can't run, because there is a part of you that is seeking something more.

Go, BE a runner...

1 comment:

Runner.Dude said...


I hear you buddy. It is a little harder to motivate oneself in the cold of winter. That is where the group run or meeting others to do speed work can really help. We started our own little running group over here to do just that. We meet on Saturday mornings and have had to brave the wet and snow sometimes.

I'm glad you started a blog. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with what is happening in Atlanta.

Good luck,